Our Story

About us

A Journey of Passion and Expertise

The journey of Juliana Sweeney, the founder of Fluency School, is a testament to the transformative power of language learning. Discovering English at the age of 7, Juliana’s life took a path of remarkable opportunities, from excelling in university to international experiences in Spain and Australia. Her passion for teaching began at 18, and since then, she has dedicated over two decades to helping students unlock their language potential. Her commitment to students’ success is the cornerstone of Fluency School, where she infuses her personal experience and expertise into every course, ensuring a high-quality, impactful learning experience for each student.

Our Mission and Core Values​

At Fluency School, our mission is to empower individuals through language, opening doors to new opportunities and cultural connections. We believe in the transformative power of learning and are committed to providing high-quality, personalized language education. Our core values center on:

  1. Personal Growth: Encouraging continuous learning and development in our students.
  2. Inclusivity and Accessibility: Making language education available to diverse learners, regardless of age or background.
  3. Innovation in Education: Utilizing the best teaching practices and technology for an engaging learning experience.

We strive to create an environment where language learning is not just educational, but also enriching and enjoyable.

Online Learning is the Future of Education

In the evolving landscape of education, online learning stands at the forefront, revolutionizing how we access knowledge and skills. Fluency School embraces this future, offering dynamic, interactive language courses that transcend geographical boundaries. Our digital platform provides flexibility and convenience, allowing learners from all corners of the globe to engage in high-quality education anytime, anywhere. We believe that the future of learning is digital, inclusive, and tailored to meet the diverse needs of a global community, and we’re committed to being at the cutting edge of this educational evolution.

The number of online learning users is expected to reach 57 million by 2027

The staggering growth in online learning users underscores the shift towards flexible, technology-driven education, catering to a diverse and ever-expanding community of learners.

(Source: Prosperityforamerica)

Elearning can help students retain between 25% and 60% more information

While saving time, online learning also enhances the quality of education, with studies showing that students retain significantly more information through eLearning compared to traditional methods.

 (Source: Research Institute of America/ SH!FT)

70% of students agree that online classes are better than traditional classroom settings

This favored approach is rooted in benefits such as reduced expenses, the convenience of fitting learning into personal schedules, and the opportunity to enhance technological proficiency.

(Source: University of the Potomac)

Your Path to Fluency Starts Here

Embark on an enriching language learning adventure with us. Reach out now to begin a rewarding journey of personal and professional growth.